
vice versa (?)

hey look look! these two girls are The Geminiz. They are the choreographer of Super Junior's No Other song :)

emmmm.....let's compare it with super junior's version!!

what do you think? to be honest, i love the choreography more after saw The Geminiz version wahahaha. i think Super Junior made it cuter and sexier and sweeter........but The Geminiz made it more powerful, more hiphop, more upbeat. love it ♥
thanks The Geminiz for made our boys looks freakin awesome on the stage ^^b


Good Person on Sketch Book

aaaaah they sang good person on sketch book!! That's a kind of music show, and good person is my favourite song in 4jib ;) unfortunately, this is only the fancam. and i got it from eunhyuk bias, soooo..yeah i hope you can understand laaah~
by the way, i'm happy seeing eunhyuk got a long singing part like this eheheh, because actually his voice is not bad :D

credit: munkiehyukie13 @youtube


haloooo semua.
oh yeah.
akhirnya ya.
MOS gue selesaaaaaaaaaaaai!!!
3 hari gue jadi bagian dari Ban Ki Moon. 3 hari kak Ricky, Kak Ru'in sama Kak Fadiah jadi kamit gue. 3 hari gue jadi ketua kelas. 3 hari gue panas-panasan apel pagi. aaaaah selesai semua selesai!
makasih yaaa Kak Ricky, Kak Ru'in, Kak Fadiah :) makasih juga buat kelompok Ban Ki Moon, wahaha.
eh iya, yang pasti 3 hari ini ngebuat gue sadar. GUE GAMAU LAGI JADI KETUA KELAS!! jangan sampe lagi ya Allah.. amin.
ah gue males lah jelasin panjang-panjang. overall sih mos ini bener-bener unforgettable, fun, exciting, tiring..wahaha all in one :p
makasih banyak yaaaaa buat kakak-kakak OSIS Prasetya Yuvana Ekamsat Bhaktireva Sattyam Dharyatte Nigraha Utamam Stradavan Eka Nigrata Bahuda Labhatte Yudhasca Nirvikara Nityameti Subha Pratijna. asik-asik deh ga boong, cuma rada pelit aja kalo dimintain tanda tangan wkwk (peace kak ^^v)
Okelah itu aja.
eh eh bentar. mulai besok gue udah pake seragam SMA loooh wkwk. padahal temen-temen gue yang lain mah udah dari kapan tau yaK?
yaudah deh beneran itu aja sekarang.
dadahbyebye :*


they like NO OTHER

wahahahaha. these guys are really adorable right right right???? :9


The Closing and The Real Winner

Halooooooo :)
eh akhirnya wc selese juga. yah, bye tidur pagi. mulai sekarang gue mau ngubah kebiasaan hidup nocturnal gue. doain ajadeh berhasil -,-
nah jadinya kemaren gue nonton closing ceremony world cup 2010. beh. men, itu gila banget ya kerennya. gue aja nonton di tipi udah nganga-nganga gitu, gimana kalo gue nonton langsung? gue mandadak nyesel banget gapernah ikutan kuis-kuis RCTI yang berhadiah noton final world cup itu T.T

Keren banget kan parah? yah ayo kawan- kawan kita berdoa aja, semoga 4 taun, 8 taun, atau 12 taun lagi kita bisa ngeliat yang kayak begini nih di Gelora Bung Karno.
Okedeh. ngomong-ngomong tentang final world cup, udah taulaaaah siapa yang menang? hahaha. masih berasa nih euforia tadi pagi. wkwk.
well, congratulation to.....
the winner of world cup 2010

iyakan. pilihan gue mah emang gapernah salaaaah!! hahaha. 2 taun yang lalu menang euro, sekarang menang worldcup. asik deh spanyol. selamet yaaa sayang muah :*

photos credit: http://ibnlive.in.com/



haloooooooo :D
eh eh liat deh liat deh!!! CD gue udah dateng semua dooooooooong ;)

Bonamana Repackage: Ini tuh versi c nya album Bonamana. cuma ada tambahan lagunya gitu laaaah.. eh FYI yaaa ini bookletnya keren banget gue gaboong/ brb dying 0.0

Victory Korea: album ini isinya soundtrack worldcup. cuma ada 3 track, dan case-nya rada ga wajar gitu. segede buku tulis campus laaah kira-kira. wkwk buang-buang bahan banget ya, padahal isinya cuma cd 1 biji -,-

okelah gue cuma pengen pamer itu doang kok wkwkw *kicked*. anyway, besok pagi final worldcup. Spanyol vs Belanda. doakan abang abangku menang ya. biar ongkos dari spanyol ke afrika ga sia-sia ^o^


Spain and Final

Congratulation to España!!
finally they advanced to the World Cup final !!! go go go spain! i know you can do it :) good luck guys!!

61 SHS

hallo hallo semuaaaa :)
oke jadi ceritanya kan kemaren gue ikutan PSB Online. pilihan SMA gue:
1. SMA 81, Jakarta Timur
2. SMA 8, Jakarta Selatan
3. SMA 61, Jakarta Timur
4. SMA 68, Jakarta Pusat
5. SMA 71, Jakarta Timur
Dan ternyata.......tadi, jam 4.00 sore WIB pengumuman hasil seleksi udah keluar. gue masuk mana?
Hem. okelah. 61. Not bad. akhirnyaaaa......gue mutusin buat ngelepas labschool kebayoran :,) tapi lumayan deh. gue nambah libur sampe tanggal 19 wks :p
Yaaaaaah.... doain aja yaaaa semoga gue betah di 61 ;)
SMA 61, here i come


No Other MV

woahahaha. you have to watch it, for sure. you'll play it and die. replay it then die again. replay it, and.... off course you'll die again. ha! enjoy your heaven ELF ;)

credit: sment@youtube



Leeteuk's Birthday Song

This is my second post about teukie birthday. It's not because i'm his bias. I am everyone bias! HAHA. but teukie is indeed special, right? hehe
actually, this song was made in leeteuk's 25th birthday, made by super junior eunhyuk. Enjoy^^

Happy Birthday Teukie!

Happy birthday to you Teukkie oppa :)
You're really the best leader ever!
Super Junior can exist until now, that's all because of you.
I can't believe you're 27 (28 in korean age) now! I mean... hey, look at you!

Er... is this that 27 years old guy? I don't think so.. You still look like a baby teukie! HAHA.
Anyway.. i hope today can be your special day :) just have fun with your lovey dovey brothers today :D
I hope you can always smile in this year (come on! show that cutie dimples to the world!)
I hope you can find someone to take care of you ^^ but it's okay if you still love me *knocked out*
I hope you can get more respect from your brothers ;)
I hope i can always hear your funny laugh, and i can always see that cute dimples and mascular abs hehehe :p
Please continue your good works oppa! You've done well :D
You're indeed the best leader in this world, and our angel without wings ♥